How to Increase your WIFI Signal

If your out with your laptop and you need an unprotected wireless signal, this guide will show you how to increase the range of your wifi card, to increase the probability that you'll find one.

what you need is a cellphone and an ethernet cable.

most wireless routers only transmit a couple of hundred feet, or less depending on the interference. The truth is the latency of this signals travels much further on the momentum of other networks and radio interference. Your wifi card does not know how to extrapolate the router signal from the carrier waves.

Your cellphone how ever, will search for network ping no matter how far it is the signal origin, so we got to trick your computer to act like a cellphone.

First coil the ethernet cable around the cellphone. the tighter the coiling the better the signal will carry it. Now in some point around 20 feet or so, theres a diminishing return on the amplification, so it's better to have a hundred foot ethernet cable to make a bee hive out of your cellphone.

Now plug the ethernet cable into your computer. If you have a 3G network phone, you may have already be done. View your network and internet connections, if some garbled name that vaguely resembles your cellphone shows up, your'e using it as a secondary antenna. if not don't worry, your computer might be utilizing it without disclosing. Most cellphones firmware is not design to self identification.
Now go back to check the wireless connection availability. All this new network may still be protected, but I hope this will help you increase your wifi range.

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